Think about the process you go through when looking to buy a product online or even when researching service providers in your area. Chances are that you will check out at least a few different websites to gain a feel for your various options. Most people don’t go for the cheapest option, but for the one that feels the most reliable and engaging.
With hundreds of websites being created every day, the challenge of standing out from your competitors is more challenging than ever. As experts in web design in Geelong, Pixelfire is here to provide you with some surefire tips for standing out from the crowd (for the right reasons) and attracting the right customers through your website.
Give Your Brand A Unique Voice
No one likes a copycat. It is very easy to see when a brand is simply copying similar brands around them and creating content that they think they should be making. One of the best pieces of advice that we can offer you is to sit down and determine what makes your brand unique. It is also very important to determine who your target audience is. From here, you can create an original brand voice, whose tone should be used across your website.
Create An Eye-catching Website Design
If your website looks outdated or unappealing, potential customers will most likely flock to your competitors. The importance of aesthetic appeal and professional web design should never be underrated. Remember that sometimes less is more when it comes to design, and a simple design can often be far more effective than an overly-busy one.
Publish Regular, Relatable Blogs
One of the key advantages of publishing regular, factual blogs is that it shows your target audience that your brand is active. There are so many inactive websites out there of long-dead brands, and many consumers have had experiences where they have tried to make an order from a business only to realise the business has since closed down. Regular blogs that provide relevant content could be the reason that a potential customer chooses your business over a competitor.
Pixelfire takes immense pride in creating beautiful, engaging websites that really stand out from the crowd. Our web design experts in Geelong have created dozens of websites, and yours could be next! We’d love to hear about your online marketing needs, so please feel free to contact us.